Big Space and Time Bubbles - Dark Energy Explained
I have this vision.
In this vision, our universe is one bubble in the True Universe.
This True Universe, also known as the Big
Space and Time, is not just the local stuff that we can see.
Sadly we humans are crippled
by speed-of-light limitations which prevent us from seeing
the True Universe.
True Universe goes on infinitely in 3-d space beyond what we
can perceive.
(It probably goes on infinitely in 4-d space too.)
around us the real stuff of Big Space and Time is churning with
expanding and collapsing bubbles, each bubble a universe.
These universe bubbles are all mashed together
and they jostle and press and pull
against each other like foam, like bubbles of champagne.
The local stuff that we can see seems traceable to a Big Bang (or
perhaps a Big Smear).
But the reality is that this "bubble" of our
universe is only one space that's expanding inside this infinitely
big Big Space and Time, and as this bubble of ours expands it is
applying a compression force to the space around it, and external
compression forces from other nearby expanding bubbles are pressing
against our bubble too, and some of the nearby bubbles are
collapsing which apply a negative pressure to our bubble causing our
bubble to expand.
The local physics of our bubble is discernable
and computable, yes, but there is this other-worldly
and seemingly-inexplicable set of other
pressures that act on our bubble which come from the dynamics of the
other bubbles and other nearby stuff of Big Space around our bubble.
THAT is what Dark Energy is, I suspect.
There is no mysterious
Dark Matter or Dark Energy, there merely are forces acting on us
And if we ever discover that "Dark Energy" is at all
asymmetric or variable,
I will be sure that this theory is correct.
Anyway, that's what the mushrooms told me to say.
Update: You know, this could be what caused this so-called "inflation" period of our
universe. I dislike all this "inflation" nonsense, except we can easily imagine some sort
of hyper-inflation-based effect caused by the surrounding bubbles. The Big Bang, followed by the Big Watermelon Seed Squeeze. Heh, maybe...