Those who deny the importance of computer games
deny the very reason that the worldwide web exists.
(My basic opinion has always been: If we do it right for games, it will be right for everything else.
Consider this: ecommerce first came into existence because of games.
Also graphics and audio cards in our computers, and next:
Machine Learning that's good enough for games.
When the Machine Learning is good enough for games, it's good enough for everyone else.)
More magic entertainment coming soon...
You can say hello using this email address:
A History of Inventions
RJ Mical, at age 14, invented a tic-tac-toe game computer
made of relays, flashlight bulbs and D batteries. It's a funny story; ask him sometime.
RJ's professional career started
arcade development at Williams Electronics and led to his role in the
creation of the Amiga Computer.
He was
co-inventor of the Atari Lynx handheld
game system and the 3DO entertainment console,
and he was responsible for software
engineering at Red Jade for Ericsson.
Most recently RJ has been
Chief Architect for the Fathammer mobile game engine,
Anti-Spam Hero for BarracudaNetworks,
VP of Technology for GlobalVR, and he worked on
technology for Sony.
He has developed more than
15 video games, has 11 patents, designed 4 hardware platforms, architected
3 operating systems, has too many hobbies and is one swell guy!
For more details, click here to check out
Here's one just for you:
Computers can figure out all kinds of problems,
except the things in the world that just don't add up.